Diary of Lockdown Life - Week One

It's bizarre looking back over the last seven weeks that the UK has been in Lockdown. In some ways I can't believe that we are here. In others, it feels like a lifetime ago that things had any semblance of normality. This sense is perhaps exacerbated by the fact that - spoiler alert - I contracted quite a nasty case of COVID-19 and have spent the past few weeks in a kind of twilight haze - further suspended in time and space by the virus that continues to grip my body. Two ambulance calls and a hospital admission later, I'm on the very long road to recovery. But more on that to follow. In order to piece together the past and to sharpen my own recollection of events, I've delved back into my hand-written journal, as well as Facebook where I tend to document my life, to pull it together. Dipping into my diary, I had last written an entry in early March. The next was as follows: "since I last wrote - the world has gone insane. COVID-19 - the virus that everyone's...